
Undead (Lumythew Subtype)

Undead Army

Leader: Carnage

Just within the borders of the Lumynior Desert, an onslaught of beings aimlessly wander. These lumythew are the fallen comrades of the Lunar Movement who have been resurrected by the dark magic that belongs to the Demi-God of Darkness, Ravana. Initially, the Undead Lumythew were meant to serve as an army of frontline soldiers because of their essential immortality, however they’ve quickly become something similar to a plague. Only those with Soul Orbs, an orb embedded in the chest of an Undead Lumythew that holds the soul, are able to retain their consciousness. Those without are mindless, aimlessly wandering, attacking, and biting any living creature. Their bite is infectious and may cause their disease to be passed to other living Lumythew. While they may seem unorganized, the Fallen Kingdom is precise in controlling them, using them as puppets and sending them to terrorize Solar Movement Factions.



[Undead] Skeleton Exposure (placement)
[Undead] Decay (placement)
[Undead] Lack of Bioluminescent Pigment (c)
[Undead] Plumes of Decay (c)
[Undead] Empty Biolumi-Sacs (uc)
[Undead] Decayed Wings (uc)
[Undead] Soulless Eyes (r)
[Undead] Missing Limbs (r)
[Undead] Mark of the Undead (ur)
[Undead] Soul Orb (ur)

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