
Radioactive (Lumythew Subtype)

Radioactive Coven

Leader: Erra, the Dark Enchantress of the Mesas

Within the Lumynior Desert lies clustered mesas full of intricate tunnel systems that stretch well below the surface of Lumynior. Within this hidden world lies a savage faction of isolated beings known as the Radioactive Lumythew. However, it is rumored that the deep within the caves lies a dormant God of Serpents. Ridiculed as dangerous, reckless, and destructive, Radiothew have a poor reputation among outsiders, but they are fiercely loyal, strong willed, and a cohesive force to be reckoned with. After feeling the loss of too many, the Radioactive Lumythew sought out Ravana to make a deal, however they have their own intentions and dark plans for the fate of Lumynior. Within those cold, stone walls lies a pit of vipers waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, and their time is rapidly approaching.



[Radioactive] Goo Body (placement)
[Radioactive] Clustered Biolumi-Sacs (placement)
[Radioactive] No Wings (c)
[Radioactive] Corrosive Paws (c)
[Radioactive] Goo Tail (uc)
[Radioactive] Steam Vents (uc)
[Radioactive] Goo Ears (r)
[Radioactive] Glowing Core Horns (r)
[Radioactive] Glowing Spines (ur)
[Radioactive] Graphite/Crystallized Mask (ur)

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