Nature (Lumythew Subtype)
The Nature Grove
Leader: Alywnn, Archseer of the Naturethew
Deep within the southern forests near the coastline, one of the eldest factions on Lumynior reside. Well respected and expert herbologists, Nature Lumythew are among the most remote yet peaceful of the factions. They are rumored to speak the ancient tongue of the trees as well as maintaining an archaic way of living compared to the rest of the world. When the Sun Goddess fell, the Nature Grove suffered from her loss, as a result, they sought out Zephyr for her help. As a result, they aligned themselves with the Solar Movement in order to return balance to the world. The Nature Lumythew, although docile, are fiercely protective of their home. Dark secrets lie within their woods, some as ancient as the world itself and some as dark and decayed as death itself.
[Nature] Plant Growth (placement)
[Nature] Bark Armor (placement)
[Nature] Hummingbird Tongue (c)
[Nature] Glowing Plume Orbs (c)
[Nature] Lashing Vines (uc)
[Nature] Geode Biolumi-Clusters (uc)
[Nature] Mossy Hummingbird Wings (r)
[Nature] Blooming Leaf Tail (r)
[Nature] Nature's Touch (ur)
[Nature] Foliage Antlers (ur)