Angelic (Lumythew Subtype)
The Angelic Empire
Leader: Zephyr, Demi-Goddess of Light and Purity
Deep within the heavily wooded Lumynior Forest lies the godly mutation blessed by the Sun Goddess herself. Enveloped in the fiery bands of her rays, the Angelic Lumythew are the embodiment of purity and light. Fiercely loyal and full of justifiable pride, these Lumythew are known to be some of the most respected and favorable in all of Lumynior. However, cross them once and you may face their wrath. They’ve been betrayed by someone they once trusted and as a result, they have vowed to never trust foolishly again.
[Angelic] Inner Glow (placement)
[Angelic] Glowing Holy Feathers (placement)
[Angelic] Elegant Eyelashes (c)
[Angelic] Paw Feathering (c)
[Angelic] Fennec Fox Ears (uc)
[Angelic] Feathered Fan Tail (uc)
[Angelic] Blood Feather Biolumi-Sacs (r)
[Angelic] Feathered Wings (r)
[Angelic] Glowing Halo Crest (ur)
[Angelic] Halo Rings (ur)