--------- SOLAR --------- (Lumythew Subtype)
Nature (Lumythew Subtype)
The Nature Grove
Leader: Alywnn, Archseer of the Naturethew
Deep within the southern forests near the coastline, one of the eldest factions on Lumynior reside. Well respected and expert herbologists, Nature Lumythew are among the most remote yet peaceful of the factions. They are rumored to speak the ancient tongue of the trees as well as maintaining an archaic way of living compared to the rest of the world. When the Sun Goddess fell, the Nature Grove suffered from her loss, as a result, they sought out Zephyr for her help. As a result, they aligned themselves with the Solar Movement in order to return balance to the world. The Nature Lumythew, although docile, are fiercely protective of their home. Dark secrets lie within their woods, some as ancient as the world itself and some as dark and decayed as death itself.
[Nature] Plant Growth (placement)
[Nature] Bark Armor (placement)
[Nature] Hummingbird Tongue (c)
[Nature] Glowing Plume Orbs (c)
[Nature] Lashing Vines (uc)
[Nature] Geode Biolumi-Clusters (uc)
[Nature] Mossy Hummingbird Wings (r)
[Nature] Blooming Leaf Tail (r)
[Nature] Nature's Touch (ur)
[Nature] Foliage Antlers (ur)
Tundra (Lumythew Subtype)
The Tundra Tribe
Leader: Kalda, Queen of the Tundra
In the Northern Hemisphere of Lumynior, a traveler will meet bone chilling winds and endless barricades of ice known as the Tundra. In this snow covered desert, lies a faction of brutal and fierce warriors known as the Tundra Lumythew. These family oriented lumythew are protective of their home as well as merciless and often hostile towards outsiders. Known to be neutral, this faction faced the threat of those who share their borders: the Lava and Radioactive lumythew. After the threat became a constant and their borders were pushed beyond their limits, they formed an alliance with Zephyr and the Solar Movement. However, the frosty truth of their hostility and protectiveness is unbeknownst to anyone outside their icy walls. Their secrets lie with their Queen.
[Tundra] Ice Body Parts (placement)
[Tundra] Frost Touched (placement)
[Tundra] Ice Claws (c)
[Tundra] Tundra Club Tail (c)
[Tundra] Frost Bite Paws (uc)
[Tundra] Tundra Mane (uc)
[Tundra] Ice Crown Horns (r)
[Tundra] Ice Shard Wings (r)
[Tundra] Frost Fire (ur)
[Tundra] Tusks (ur)
Twilight (Lumythew Subtype)
The Twilight Haven
Leader: Asra, Chief Mediator & Seeker of the Sun
A faction as ethereal and mysterious as they come, Twilight Lumythew make their home on an elusive floating island shrouded in a hallucinogenic fog. Twilight lumythew are known as peaceful and docile by nature, but fiercely adamant on keeping the balance in the world. They are one of the few factions that tried to remain as neutral as possible at the start of the war, but the longer the Sun was away, the chaos and darkness consumed Lumynior. As a result, they made a treaty with Zephyr and the Angelic Empire to do whatever necessary to free the Sun Goddess and to act as a voice of reason. As a faction fueled by night, their defiance against the Moon God has made them a great target of his devious plans. The roots of his corruption in Lumynior run deep, and perhaps they’ve even embedded themselves among the highest ranks of the Twilight Haven.
[Twilight] Void Galaxy Parts (placement rarity)
[Twilight] Comet Trails (placement rarity)
[Twilight] Borealis Biolumi-Sacs (c)
[Twilight] Void Ears (c)
[Twilight] Nova Rings (uc)
[Twilight] Void Orbs (uc)
[Twilight] Borealis Feelers (r)
[Twilight] Void Eyes (r)
[Twilight] Void Tail (ur)
[Twilight] Void Wings (ur)
Mythical (Lumythew Subtype)
The Mythical Realm
Leader: Estelle, Radiance of the Mythical Realm & Self Proclaimed Goddess of the Stars
The largest mountain range in all of Lumynior whose peak is shrouded in mystery finds itself covered by a magical fog that deters all foreign visitors, and it is home to the Mythical Lumythew. With the amount of pride and vanity that is both a strength and weakness, this faction of Lumythew values their flawless and generally mysterious reputation. Not too much is known of what lies beyond the peak of the mountain, but it is among urban legend these lumythew play with lightning and dance among the clouds during the strongest of storms. No one is on par with these lumythew, or at least, that’s what they want you to believe.
[Mythical] Cloud Body Parts (placement)
[Mythical] Crystal Growth (placement)
[Mythical] Hooves (c)
[Mythical] Clouded Ears (c)
[Mythical] Hypnotic Eyes (uc)
[Mythical] Clouded Wisp Tail (uc)
[Mythical] Stardust Mane (r)
[Mythical] Unihorn (r)
[Mythical] Noodle Body (ur)
[Mythical] Cloud Wings (ur)
Angelic (Lumythew Subtype)
The Angelic Empire
Leader: Zephyr, Demi-Goddess of Light and Purity
Deep within the heavily wooded Lumynior Forest lies the godly mutation blessed by the Sun Goddess herself. Enveloped in the fiery bands of her rays, the Angelic Lumythew are the embodiment of purity and light. Fiercely loyal and full of justifiable pride, these Lumythew are known to be some of the most respected and favorable in all of Lumynior. However, cross them once and you may face their wrath. They’ve been betrayed by someone they once trusted and as a result, they have vowed to never trust foolishly again.
[Angelic] Inner Glow (placement)
[Angelic] Glowing Holy Feathers (placement)
[Angelic] Elegant Eyelashes (c)
[Angelic] Paw Feathering (c)
[Angelic] Fennec Fox Ears (uc)
[Angelic] Feathered Fan Tail (uc)
[Angelic] Blood Feather Biolumi-Sacs (r)
[Angelic] Feathered Wings (r)
[Angelic] Glowing Halo Crest (ur)
[Angelic] Halo Rings (ur)
--------- LUNAR --------- (Lumythew Subtype)
Undead (Lumythew Subtype)
Undead Army
Leader: Carnage
Just within the borders of the Lumynior Desert, an onslaught of beings aimlessly wander. These lumythew are the fallen comrades of the Lunar Movement who have been resurrected by the dark magic that belongs to the Demi-God of Darkness, Ravana. Initially, the Undead Lumythew were meant to serve as an army of frontline soldiers because of their essential immortality, however they’ve quickly become something similar to a plague. Only those with Soul Orbs, an orb embedded in the chest of an Undead Lumythew that holds the soul, are able to retain their consciousness. Those without are mindless, aimlessly wandering, attacking, and biting any living creature. Their bite is infectious and may cause their disease to be passed to other living Lumythew. While they may seem unorganized, the Fallen Kingdom is precise in controlling them, using them as puppets and sending them to terrorize Solar Movement Factions.
[Undead] Skeleton Exposure (placement)
[Undead] Decay (placement)
[Undead] Lack of Bioluminescent Pigment (c)
[Undead] Plumes of Decay (c)
[Undead] Empty Biolumi-Sacs (uc)
[Undead] Decayed Wings (uc)
[Undead] Soulless Eyes (r)
[Undead] Missing Limbs (r)
[Undead] Mark of the Undead (ur)
[Undead] Soul Orb (ur)
Lava (Lumythew Subtype)
Lava Monarchy
Leader: Kaen
Just within the boundaries of the Lumynior Desert lies the forgotten sister mutation to the Angelic faction, the Lava Lumythew. Having found their homes in the Volcanic Ruins, the Lavathew Monarchy consists of an intense bloodline hierarchy and archaic rituals that display one’s individual power and social stance. After being exiled from the Lumynior Forest by their sister mutation, these Lumythew needed little convincing when it came time for them to play their part in the Lunar Movement. Fierce, short fused, and bold, these Lumythew desire to watch the Angelic fall. From the ashes of a broken kingdom, a young phoenix will rise and bring the lavathew to greatness once more.
[Lava] Lava Cracks (placement)
[Lava] Glass Lava Parts (placement)
[Lava] Lava Trail (c)
[Lava] Glass Lava Biolumi-Sacs (c)
[Lava] Volcanic Craters (uc)
[Lava] Wisps (uc)
[Lava] Pheonix Fire Wings (r)
[Lava] Pheonix Tail (r)
[Lava] Volcanic Armor Plates (ur)
[Lava] Pheonix Crest (ur)
Radioactive (Lumythew Subtype)
Radioactive Coven
Leader: Erra, the Dark Enchantress of the Mesas
Within the Lumynior Desert lies clustered mesas full of intricate tunnel systems that stretch well below the surface of Lumynior. Within this hidden world lies a savage faction of isolated beings known as the Radioactive Lumythew. However, it is rumored that the deep within the caves lies a dormant God of Serpents. Ridiculed as dangerous, reckless, and destructive, Radiothew have a poor reputation among outsiders, but they are fiercely loyal, strong willed, and a cohesive force to be reckoned with. After feeling the loss of too many, the Radioactive Lumythew sought out Ravana to make a deal, however they have their own intentions and dark plans for the fate of Lumynior. Within those cold, stone walls lies a pit of vipers waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, and their time is rapidly approaching.
[Radioactive] Goo Body (placement)
[Radioactive] Clustered Biolumi-Sacs (placement)
[Radioactive] No Wings (c)
[Radioactive] Corrosive Paws (c)
[Radioactive] Goo Tail (uc)
[Radioactive] Steam Vents (uc)
[Radioactive] Goo Ears (r)
[Radioactive] Glowing Core Horns (r)
[Radioactive] Glowing Spines (ur)
[Radioactive] Graphite/Crystallized Mask (ur)
Fallen (Lumythew Subtype)
The Fallen Kingdom
Leader: Ravana, Demi-God of Darkness and Vengeance
Past the Volcanic Ruins, deep within the Lumynior Desert lies an enormous mountain range which creates a massive fortress that is home to the Fallen Lumythew who have been blessed by the Moon God. Shrouded in the darkness of his shadows, the Fallen Lumythew were once Angelic who fell from grace to become the epitome of darkness and evil. Seeking vengeance, these Lumythew are known to be full of rage and fueled by their darkest desire to see the fall of the Angelic Empire. They’ve been used as pawns one too many times in their lives and as a result, Zephyr and her band of righteous warriors will fall from their mighty pedestal and meet their doom.
[Fallen] Corrupted Glow (placement)
[Fallen] Spikes (placement)
[Fallen] Mouth Hell Fire (c)
[Fallen] Forked Tongue (c)
[Fallen] Hell Hound Eyes (uc)
[Fallen] Spiked Tail (uc)
[Fallen] Corrupted Wings (r)
[Fallen] Blood Halo (r)
[Fallen] Corrupted Body Parts (ur)
[Fallen] Ram Horns (ur)
-------- PRIMAL --------- (Lumythew Subtype)
--------- EVENT --------- (Lumythew Subtype)
Heartseeker (Lumythew Subtype)
Leader: N/A - This mutation is not specific to a faction
WIP - Write a little blurb about this mutation.
[Heartseeker] Heart Whiskers (c)
[Heartseeker] Heart Feelers (uc)
[Heartseeker] Petal Paws (r)
[Heartseeker] Curled Heart Tail (r)
[Heartseeker] Rose Petal Wings (ur)
Heartbreaker (Lumythew Subtype)
Leader: N/A - This mutation is not specific to a faction
WIP - Write a little blurb about this mutation.
[Heartbreaker] Broken Heart Whiskers (c)
[Heartbreaker] Arrow Head Feelers (uc)
[Heartbreaker] Decayed Petal Paws (r)
[Heartbreaker] Heart Stinger Tail (r)
[Heartbreaker] Decayed Petal Wings (ur)
Revenant (Lumythew Subtype)
Leader: N/A - This mutation is not specific to a faction
WIP - Write a little blurb about thgis mutation.
[Revenant] Floating Body Parts (placement)
[Revenant] Shimmer Wisp Fur (placement)
[Revenant] Incantation Mark (c)
[Revenant] Mist Tear Streaks (c)
[Revenant] Bat Wings (uc)
[Revenant] Devil Horns (uc)
[Revenant] Monster Tail (r)
[Revenant] Spirit Breath (r)
[Revenant] Ghost Familiar (ur)
[Revenant] Miasmic Essence (ur)
[Revenant] Poltergeist (L)